Reparations For Black People
I believe that the increasing discussions of reparations for Black People is important. It could have a big impact upon the depth of racism that we may have in our future. I recall talking with three high school classmates, asking them to look at a YouTube video on "White Fragility". One of them clearly indicated to me that: 1.) I was accusing them of being racist and 2.) That my interest in racism related to the fact that my wife is Black, implying that they needn't have a significant interest in racism. White Americans (such as myself), presuming that they oppose racism) can commonly: 1.) ignore racism most of the time, 2.) try to oppose racism in various small ways, not ignoring it, but not having it impact upon their lives in major ways or 3.) become active in major ways, working to help end racism. Listening significantly to discussions about reparations may have a significant positive impact upon helping move White Americans further along a path...