It Can Be Scary - It is Important!
I’ve only read a portion of Dorothy Roberts’ (Twentieth Anniversary Edition) challenging - Killing The Black Body: Race, Reproduction and the Meaning of Liberty . Many of the things she spoke of prior to the books’ publication in 2017 have been greatly amplified by the multiplicity of murders and aggressions since then which have targeted Black People, particularly women and transgender People. I can’t write a relevant “review” of this book, until I complete my reading of it, and that likely will be delayed. It is challenging to know where to begin! The impacts of slavery upon Black People are immense. Rarely do we - white men - let go of our “personal safety” and really emotionally open up to what has been, and unfortunately continues to be done in the name of “government”, “society”, or even us as individuals. I can not imagine emotionally what it could have been like to kill one’s young baby, feeling that on...