Reparations (stolen from elsewhere)
(Stolen from a Critical Thinker) "We do not want reparations JUST for slavery. We want reparations for the "Casual Killing Act"....which was a law that made it legal to kill Black people. We want reparations for "Black Codes"...which was a set of laws put in place for Black people after the 13th Amendment of the Constitution was ratified, in order to renslave Black people through the prison system and lease them out as labor. Many misdemeanors were originally "Black Codes". We want reparations for Jim Crow laws. We want reparations for 65 Black cities that were destroyed by white neighbors. We want reparations for Black prominent neighborhoods that were destroyed to make highways. We want reparations for the drugs that were dropped into our neighborhoods by two U.S. Presidents...Johnson and Reagan. We want reparations for Biden Making those drugs 100 times more illegal than the drugs in white affluent neighborhoods...even though the illegal substanc...