Becoming Abolitionists - Wonderful in a Way - but Also Perplexing
Becoming Abolitionists: Police, Protests, And The Pursuit of Freedom - by: Derecka Purnell - is an enigma. The author presents a powerful case for the necessity of what she calls "Abolitionist" change, a radical remaking of our country. At the same time, she doesn't clearly explain realistically how it may be potentially possible. She also out omits serious discussion of how the forces of oppression are effective, and effective strategies to confront them. Nevertheless, the book has a lot of great insights and examples showing what Black and other oppressed people are up against. Purnell expands upon talking of what Black People face in bringing in important areas such as toxic waste, climate change, sexism/sexual assault, homo/trans phobias and disability rights issues, as well as most importantly talking significantly about classism and capitalism. All of this is in a context of how the police are systemically op...