No, It Wasn't Racism

An aunt of my daughter-in-law is a white woman who needs a cane to walk most of the time.   She parked her car at a store in a regular parking spot that was close to the store entrance.  A black woman driving by began berating her for not parking in a handicapped spot.   She indicated that people with handicaps such were unjustifiably favored in various ways.   Without any argument, the woman said multiple negative things to the aunt.

A white man began strongly criticizing the black woman.   J’s aunt wasn’t happy at his intrusion, being very aware of the racial aspect of what was happening.

It remains unclear why the original incident occurred.   J’s aunt tried to be understanding.   She also told me that when she is feeling good, and doesn’t need her cane, she always avoids using handicapped parking spots.

No, the black woman was not “racist”.    She did act highly inappropriately.  

(See: my recent writing:  Giving, Taking and Privilege)


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