Killing the Black Body - Dorothy Roberts
Dorothy Roberts’ KILLING THE BLACK BODY: Race Reproduction and the Meaning of Liberty
is a deep, challenging, excellent book, particularly for white men (and
secondarily for white women). For me it
taps into the denial which I go into (thankfully less and less frequently
over time) as a privileged white man, where racism, sexism and
homo/lesbian/trans phobias don’t penetrate me deeply and I relax, seemingly
oblivious to what others face in their daily lives.
But the movement to expand women’s reproductive options was
marked by racism from its very inception in the early part of this century (note:
20th century). The
spread of contraception to American women hinged partly on its appeal to
eugenicists bent on curtailing the birthrates of the “unfit” including
Negroes. For several decades, peaking in
the 1970’s, government-sponsored family planning programs not only encouraged
Black women to use birth control but coerced them into being sterilized. (p.56)
Roberts is deliberately “attacking” in her words. She also provides both documentation, and
clear examples for her perceptive views.
In the caption beneath the photograph the
woman explained that she voted for Duke because Blacks “just have those babies
and go on welfare.” This woman was
willing to decimate programs that benefited her in order to ensure that Black
people could not benefit from them.
This is the dilemma Black citizenship poses
for radical welfare reform: While a
strong welfare state is required to make Blacks full participants in the
political economy, whites’ refusal to extend full citizenship right to Blacks
persistently blocks efforts to establish an inclusive welfare system. (p.244-5)
The message goes far, far deeper than areas related to
poverty and its elimination. The author
delves significantly into fertility issues and how we as a society cope with the
struggles to have successful desired pregnancy and childbirth. The racism shown here is rarely subtle! The importance of the white male
being biologically tied to his children and the “critical” issue that
babies not end up being “Black”, with white parents is clearly documented. The corresponding lack of concern for Black
parents, most particularly mothers, and related issues related to our “white means
0% Black” realities expose how racism systemically persists today.
Black family ties have traditionally reached
beyond the bounds of the nuclear family to include extended
kin and non-kin relationships. (p.261) … Most Blacks downplay their white genetic
heritage to identify socially with other Blacks. Even children of interracial couples (having
one Black and one white parent) tend to identity themselves as Black, often as
a political choice. (68)
For most privileged white people, particularly men,
we/they don’t need to think about most of the issues brought up in this book,
because they generally don’t direct impact our/their lives. For me, it’s a little different, given that
my partner and her children are Black
It is extremely important that we learn
to prioritize learning of the “others” we may not encounter directly in
our lives. The resistance of white
people, particularly white men, to our changing world has become significantly
more important since both editions of
Dorothy Roberts’ book have been published (in our “Trumpian” reality - for
This book provides an excellent opportunity to expand
our learning!
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