Reparations (stolen from elsewhere)


(Stolen from a Critical Thinker)
"We do not want reparations JUST for slavery.
We want reparations for the "Casual Killing Act"....which was a law that made it legal to kill Black people.
We want reparations for "Black Codes"...which was a set of laws put in place for Black people after the 13th Amendment of the Constitution was ratified, in order to renslave Black people through the prison system and lease them out as labor. Many misdemeanors were originally "Black Codes".
We want reparations for Jim Crow laws.
We want reparations for 65 Black cities that were destroyed by white neighbors.
We want reparations for Black prominent neighborhoods that were destroyed to make highways.
We want reparations for the drugs that were dropped into our neighborhoods by two U.S. Presidents...Johnson and Reagan.
We want reparations for Biden Making those drugs 100 times more illegal than the drugs in white affluent neighborhoods...even though the illegal substance of the drugs were the exact same thing.
We want reparations for the two bombs that were dropped on Black citizens in America...Tulsa, Oklahoma 1920 and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1985.
We want reparations for the "War on Drugs"...which was admittedly a war on Black people and anti-war activists.
We want reparations for the horribly unethical medical practices that have been done to us...including but not limited to the so-called "father of modern gynecology", the genetic material stolen from Henrietta Lacks, the Tuskegee Experiments, and the pseudo scientific lies told through American History about Black people.
We want reparations for the victims of police murder when the victim is obviously no threat, including but not limited to Sandra Bland, Eric Garner, and Phillando Castille.
We want reparations for the Black Veterans that were lynched upon returning to the country they fought for...while in uniform.
We want reparations for the millions of young Black men that were forced to fight in the military for this country that never fought for them.
We want reparations for the Black businessmen that were lynched throughout the 20th century.
We want reparations for the Black people that have been Blackballed in their professions because they spoke out for justice. Including but not limited to Muhammad Ali, Eartha Kitt, Paul Robeson, and Craig Hodges.
We want reparations for the Black leaders that were murdered by or with the help of government agents. Including but not limited to Dr. Martin Luther king Jr., Malcolm X, James Chaney, and many Black Panthers.
We want reparations for the welfare rule that forced Black fathers to leave the home.
We want reparations for the centuries long campaign to sew hatred and fear towards Black people world wide through media.
We want reparations for the subpar learning materials and buildings that our children are forced to go to for school.
After we deal with all of that....we can talk about slavery.


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