Matthew Curry's Excellent Insights on Racism

Matthew Curry A Native American pastor to follow. or report thisMark Charles - The spiritual price of the Doctrine of DiscoveryYOUTUBE.COM
Mark Charles - The spiritual price of the Doctrine of DiscoveryMark Charles - The spiritual price of the Doctrine of Discovery·       Marks views on race from a native American perspective are eye opening.
Matthew Curry Mark Charles talks about white Americans being traumatized by centuries of racism and its affects on their psyche causes them to exist in denial, or delusion about racism. Matthew Curry I think racism can be dealt with when the white people who consider themselves "not racist" start confronting racists and racism within their own families, circles of friends, and their communities headon.
1. By speaking up and out instead of remaining silent in order not to offend a family member...
2. Seek to reverse public policies that subtly promote, or defend racism, and classism like housing association charter agreements...
Confederate flag waving (because of what it represents)...
3. Standing with, supporting openly and or marching with antiracism activists groups...
4. Challenging hiring minority practices at your job or business...
5. Calling out publicly local and national political leaders including presidents when they say racist things and make racist decisions...
4. Expose hate groups and their members even if they sit at your dinner table, or appear in family photos...
5. Confront, and seek the removal of racist law enforcement officers in your communities...
6. Openly invite people of color to your social events, like BBQ's, church...etc, and seek to attend social activities of black and brown people...
7.Empathize openly with and respect the struggles of people of color in America even if you don't understand, agree, or can't relate personally...
8. Educate yourselves on racism with books like "White Fragility" by Robin DeAngelo, Birth of a White Nation" by Jacqueline Battalora, "Tears We Cannot Stop" (a sermon to white America) by Michael Eric Dyson. Anything by Dr. Henry Louis Gates, or Jane Elliott...etc.

Understand that having the Privilege of being white in America, is also the privilege of not having to experiance being black or brown in America too.

Everything I've listed takes hard work, effort, faith, prayer, and a genuine desire to love all of humanity as you love yourself...
1. By speaking up and out instead of remaining silent in order not to offend a family member... 2. Seek to reverse public policies that subtly promote, or defend racism, and classism like housing association charter agreements... Confederate flag waving (because of what it represents)... 3. Standing with, supporting openly and or marching with antiracism activists groups... 4. Challenging hiring minority practices at your job or business... 5. Calling out publicly local and national political leaders including presidents when they say racist things and make racist decisions... 4. Expose hate groups and their members even if they sit at your dinner table, or appear in family photos... 5. Confront, and seek the removal of racist law enforcement officers in your communities... 6. Openly invite people of color to your social events, like BBQ's, church...etc, and seek to attend social activities of black and brown people... 7.Empathize openly with and respect the struggles of people of color in America even if you don't understand, agree, or can't relate personally... 8. Educate yourselves on racism with books like "White Fragility" by Robin DeAngelo, Birth of a White Nation" by Jacqueline Battalora, "Tears We Cannot Stop" (a sermon to white America) by Michael Eric Dyson. Anything by Dr. Henry Louis Gates, or Jane Elliott...etc.
Understand that having the Privilege of being white in America, is also the privilege of not having to experiance being black or brown in America too.
Everything I've listed takes hard work, effort, faith, prayer, and a genuine desire to love all of humanity as you love yourself...4Hide or report this        


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