The Assassination of Fred Hampton - Jeffrey's Haas's Great Book
Jeffrey Haas’s: The Assassination of Fred Hampton: How The FBI and The Chicago Police MURDERED A BLACK PANTHER (Updated Edition) - is most appropriate today in 2023! The lies that “ruled” for at least 13 years beginning in 1969 - with a major assassination were significantly concealed and relied upon the biases of white Americans. Strangely, today we live in a world - most similar in significant ways. In both cases the “bigger truth” - that was put forth was/is total deception intended to continue a Racist System that pushes to build and extend the power of wealthy white men. “Strangely” - their desires - are selfishly intended to help themselves, not the needs and preferences of those who lack privilege, and power - often BIPOC. Haas effectively shows how Fred Hampton was an amazing individual who cared about others. He clearly would have become both an incredible leader of Black People working positively to build a non-racist, “fair” world, as well as an example of